This lovely, but sadly gone place, I got to shoot twice and t’was the summer of corpo neglect. The premise of the second shoot that was months apart from the initial? The same reason I heard from Delia’s – no pictures were ever uploaded to their account page! C’mon!! Sloppy, lazy, sales and account reps once again could not be bothered to upload about 5 images to their client’s account, sitting in their cozy office chairs in air conditioning and probably sipping their wankerccino from Starfux. Once or twice I can understand, but upwards of about ten places is pretty ridiculous on that mid-five-figure salary.
I was happy to come shoot again, and personally email the restaurant the old shots since I was the only one who could be bothered. And I was happy to revisit to marvel at the single most-creative table I’ve seen to date, let alone in a cozy little Italian spot –

A full-on Vespa table! Seeing this initially wow’ed me, and seeing it again only warmed my heart. And this is in DC to boot! The single most town that knows no value of quality work and gets absolutely lost in its own pretense and false ego. It always saddens me to see awesome places fold under in place of boring, mainstream, and occasionally overly-swanky melting pot restaurants that all offer the exact same set of dishes sans identical garnish.
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